Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Invisible Hand of the Market

is often times guided by a very vocal mouth. Many of my friends are off in that wonderful world of capitalism hell "week" known as being rookie investment bankers, a/k/a work work work and another of my friends, my esteemed cofounder of LME , is also doing the capitalist thing, though in a less offensive form at Macy's (and now that I know she regularly reads this I have only good things to say about that aristocratics mature pure and beautiful woman- i wuuv you ;) so I found some youtube speeches on the topic to motivate them. The idea first came to me through an online slideshow on Entertainment Weekly about pivotal small role appearances in movies, one of which is Alec Baldwin's speech in Glengarry Glen Ross, naturally I had to see it and it was awesome, so this is basically what I sent to my red blooded american pals.

Here's Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross (such a great actor): You gotta have brass balls and you gotta always be closing

Next we have the opening iconic scene and speech in Patton.He would totally have already won the War Americans do like winners. A great speech and great stage set up

This is the famous "Greed, for lack of a better word, is Good.' I used to hate the ethos that this speech espoused and how it could motivate people only for the selfish desire, but it now doesn't seem as offensive as it once did. I still don't agree with everything about it but scientifically I understand the greed gene

and finally this is also from Wall Street about what it takes to be A Player. Hard Work of course, and the do or die all or nothing edge that I guess people who deal with such sums have to live on. but its a warning to try not to end up like a Conrad Black doing it illegally or you may end up in the same jail as Ookie Mexico.

I feel dirty now with all these capitalistic masturbatory fantasies. I need a shower.

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