Monday, July 9, 2007

Heterosexuals on the March

Just an update on some prominent and famous LadyKillers in the news over the past few days:

Jack Nicholson is old, fat and disgusting BUT he's still Jack Nicholson so he doesn't give a damn...and he'll keep being surrounded by bikini-ed girls young enough to be his granddaughters.
I think the question must be asked; who is a bigger male idol/icon- Jack or Hef? I may have to go with Jack.

Chewbacca- that sexual icon for I guess young gay boys with Bear fantasies is being sought for taking Marilyn Monroe's hand and placing it on his "blaster.")
I love Hollywood some times. I think this is the second time in the past few months where Chewie has run afoul of the law, both times for pervy things. So parents keep your kids far far away from Chewbacca-they're becoming creepy.

And finally that noted playboy, the Rake from Raleigh, the cad of Carolina performed a medley at a concert designed to drive his groupies out of their mind with lusts

No way he's gay. Nope

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