Thursday, June 28, 2007

Your Simply Amazing Stuck in My Head Song of the Day

okay I'm exhausted so this is gonna be quick (i say that a lot, don't it) but this song is simply amazing. It's called A Man/Me/ Then Jim and is by easily one of my favorite bands of all time (in all seriousness, not like the Spiced Ones) Rilo Kiley. It's from their album More Adventurous (buy it!) I worship Jenny Lewis, kind of wanna be her and sort of wanna become famous just so there would be a chance I could meet her. I listened to this song seriously 6 times in a row while in downtonw today and I have been singing it in my head since then. The lyrics are simple phenomenal and the line " it's just a gradual descent into a life I never meant" should be a call and a warning to live the life you want.
They never made an official video to the song but here is a live version. Enjoy sweethearts. It and you all make me happy.

Good night and dream well

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