Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm Not Even Mad, I'm Impressed

I think that the feminist and all the women who worked and strove so hard for equality between the sexes would be incredibly proud today. A woman in Tacoma was arrested for a DUI with a b.a.c. of .50(!!!) tied for the highest b.a.c , which is more than six times the legal limit. That women is a champ! No one has to tell me how dangerous and irresponsible drinking and driving is, it's horrible and she should be punished, but I have to admit if I needed a night of incredible blackoutness, she would be high on my speed dial.

It's at times like this when only one thing comes to mind: Girl Power!!!
Hahahah; sorry. Think I'm excited about the reunion? Anyway if you wanna figure out your own b.a.c (it is the weekend after all-though I doubt you'll be by a computer) here's a handy little link.

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