Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy National Pink Day

According to many sources (including my aunt's monthly newsletter,) June 23rd is National Pink Day, so Happy Pink Day!! There are a lot of random holidays this month like June 10th was "Race Unity Day" June 7th was National Jelly-filled Dougnut Day, which perhaps caused a need for June 8th to become National Sit-Ups and Push-Up Day.

But of course none of this are as important as Pink, so we will celebrate it today. I must admit I was never that much of a fan, but it has definitely begun to grow on me recently so I'm especially excited (as you all should be too, obvi.)

So have a pink cocktail in your pink house while watching Pink Flamingos (or Ma Vie in Rose, or if you're mainstream Pretty in Pink) on your tv surrounded by pink flowers that someone gave to you after you wore something pink. (I would say while listening to Pink, but try Floyd instead, please.)
And if anyone pisses you off today feel free to let them know, just remember tomorrow is National Forgiveness Day,
and everything will be alright :)

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